Try these amazing Sleep Crossword Puzzles!!!

Hey, you still can't manage to sleep??!

Challenge your knowledge about sleep!!!
It's very funny and interesting!

Click on this link

10 facts about sleep that you were probably too tired to think about…

1)  In our life, we will spend in average 1/3 of our time sleeping which means about 20 to 25 years over 75
2)  Parents could lose 400 to 750 hours of sleep in the first year of their new baby.
3) 17 hours without any sleep leads to a decrease in performance equivalent to a blood alcohol-level of 0.05%

Click on "check it out" to keep reading.

Fast Sleep: Relaxing Music

Here are some relaxing videos that may be helpful for those of you who can't sleep.
Click on "Check it out" to watch them.

Funny Videos

Hey guys, I found these funny videos about babies doing things while falling asleep.
They are soooo funny!
Click on "check it out" to watch them.

1,2,3 sheeps....I STILL CAN'T SLEEP! What can I do?

You are stressed, nervous, anxious....and you can't fall asleep every night? You have tried all the classical tips to sleep like counting the sheeps, taking a warm bath, having a massage or listening to music....but it DIDN'T WORK?
This article is made for you!

Here are some new tips to help you having a good night's sleep...

Sleeping Environment Test

Let’s do the sleep environment test! (If you answer YES, you score 1 point each)

1.I sleep with a light and music on.
2. I sleep during the day more than 30 minutes.
3. I sleep with my hitter or air conditioner on.
4. I do other things such as reading or text messaging while in bed.
5. You share your blanket with someone else or with your pet.
6. during the summer, I do anything to keep me cool (ie use a fan, hold something cold, etc)
7. During the winter, I use an electronic blanket or hot water bottle.
8. I wear a lot of clothes while I’m sleeping.
9. I put my pillow under my knees while I’m sleeping.
10. While I’m sleeping, I rarely move.

Insomnia Test


Let’s do the insomnia test! (if you answer YES, you score 1 point each)

1.It takes me more than 30 minutes to fall asleep.
2. While I’m trying to fall asleep, my brain keeps working.
3. After I fall asleep, I wake up frequently.
4. While I’m sleeping, I usually dream, generally nightmares.
5. If I wake up during the night, it’s hard for me to fall asleep again.
6. during the afternoon, I feel tired, and it’s hard fo me to concentrate.
7. I have chronic pain in my neck and shoulder.
8. I have a headache when I wake up in the morning.
9. I have pain in my back.
10. I suffer from sleep apnea, or I usually snore.