Insomnia Test


Let’s do the insomnia test! (if you answer YES, you score 1 point each)

1.It takes me more than 30 minutes to fall asleep.
2. While I’m trying to fall asleep, my brain keeps working.
3. After I fall asleep, I wake up frequently.
4. While I’m sleeping, I usually dream, generally nightmares.
5. If I wake up during the night, it’s hard for me to fall asleep again.
6. during the afternoon, I feel tired, and it’s hard fo me to concentrate.
7. I have chronic pain in my neck and shoulder.
8. I have a headache when I wake up in the morning.
9. I have pain in my back.
10. I suffer from sleep apnea, or I usually snore.


If you score between
1 to 4: You might have a problem with sleeping.
5 to 7: Your sleeping habits are likely to harm your health.
more than 8: You must correct your sleeping habits immediately! You have an insomnia!!

Remember, the quality of your sleeping is much more important than how long you sleep!

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